blog and news
lake biwa
sublime sinrise at makino, takashima, shiga 先月、奥琵琶湖エリアに行ってきました。小学校の体育のスキー以来です。これはマキノ湖岸から見た竹生島(朝7時過ぎくらい)。 おてんとうさま、という言葉がぴっ more -
New Year 2017
Happy New 2017! Peace be with you…! (Lake Biwa, Shiga – my hometown) 新年あけましておめでとうございます。 ほんの少し前までは、キャリアとか語学とかいろいろ自分に期待した「新年の抱負」が more -
orange and red leaves
my favourite season, autumn! orange and red leaves are really poetic (maybe more than skaura blossom trees). and cannot believe 2016 is almost coming to an end! 秋って本当に綺麗ですね。一年中、秋 more -
Hichijo Avenue 七条通
murai bank on hichijo street, kyoto, built in 1914. compared to the western style buildings in kobe, it’s much smaller in scale, but/and so it’s cute! 七条の旧村井銀行を描いています。最近、つまよ more -
kyoto station & yasaka-no-to
almost finishing the “Kyoto Station”, 40cm-50cm, seen from Otani Sobyo (cemetery above Gion). 久しぶりに大きめの絵を制作中(大きい、といっても水彩以外の人からすればとても小さいサイズで more -
book on historical houses in cebu
signing publishing contract! happy…many thanks to all the people who are helping me 不意ショットで髪ぼーぼーですが(不意でなくてもか)、珍しく自分の写真を撮って頂きました read more -
beautiful narrow bridge
Naarrow bridge without fence, Mie Prefecture(たぶん名張・伊賀・松坂あたり→全然特定されてなくてすみません) 先日、きれいだなー、何か外国みたいだなーと思って伊勢志摩ライナーの車窓からバイクのおじさ more -
cebu, philippines
pit señor! I went to Cebu this summer. I used to live there around 14 months in 2002-2003. I lived alone, worked only as part-time lecturer, being student but not enrolled in any course; so I was more -
now drawing Toka-saikan 東華菜館, again. It’s a building always beautiful, along Kamo river. read more -
organic house in downtown kyoto
Can compete with Fujimori Terunobu’s Tampopo House or Taneya La_Collina! read more